A MEMORIAL service for teenage stabbing victim Paul Faulkner was held at his Loughton school on Thursday - on what would have been his 16th birthday.

Paul, 15, and his 40-year-old mother Maureen, a Snaresbrook Crown Court usher, died at their Foxley Close home in Loughton on Saturday, December 22.

At a special school assembly, friends read tribute pieces about Paul and chose the music to be played.

Paul's friend Simon Matthews read out a poem to the Year 11 pupils at Roding Valley High School, to pay tribute to the 15-year-old, who loved football and supported Tottenham Hotspur.

Simon wrote of his friend: "I think we are still in shock, after what has happened, but I know you'll live forever, up in the place called heaven. For now and then, it feels like the end, but to me it's the beginning, of a new year, and a new start."

Paul's form tutor, Anthony Goodall, also spoke of the time Paul had shared with his peers. Loughton Methodist Church minister Rev Tony Miles and Athole Rennie, who works with Christians in sport, gave readings from the Bible.

All year groups held a minute's silence for Paul in every assembly on Thursday.

Headteacher Jo Wincott said: "It was a celebration of Paul's life where staff and pupils could give readings. I think it has helped people come to terms with what has happened.

"We have a room set aside for youngsters who are more upset and they are being given time to come to terms with these tragic events.

"The final memorial for Paul has not been decided yet. We feel that's something the students should think about and decide what they think is the most fitting tribute for him.

"In all, the youngsters have conducted themselves in a very mature manner with great respect. They clearly are very upset though."