Kingston: A murder hunt has been launched following the disappearance of a former Kingston man believed to have been shot dead in Hastings.

Detectives are linking the murder of Jason Martin-Smith, 28, to that of Hastings resident Jimmy Millen, who was killed in a drive-by shooting as he worked on his car in October.

A double murder hunt was launched last week after detectives received information that Mr Martin-Smith, who had lived in Hastings for two years since moving from Kingston, had been shot dead in August.

Police believe the lead is a significant breakthrough in the case, even though they have not found Mr Martin-Smiths body or received reports that he is missing.

They described the two men as acquaintances, and said that shortly before Mr Martin-Smith was last seen in August he expressed concerns about his safety.

Three men were arrested on suspicion of murdering Mr Martin-Smith, an ex-pupil of Hollyfield School, Surbiton, following a series of dawn raids last Wednesday.

The men were later released on police bail to return in March.

Officers travelled to Kingston on Friday to break the news to Mr Martin-Smiths family, as the search got under way in Hastings to find his body. His mother and brother still live in the borough but do not want to make a public comment on the case.

DCI Kevin Moore, who is leading the murder hunt, said: "We believe that the disappearance of Jason Martin-Smith may well have connections with the original investigation and we are linking these matters.

"For evidential reasons we cannot disclose the reasons for this at this stage. "

"His family is devastated. Jason had lived in Hastings on and off for two years, commuting between there and his girlfriends in Camberley, Surrey."

"He had spoken to people about his fears and concerns before going missing in August.

"He was concerned that he was in danger. He has involved himself with people who are involved in the criminal fraternity.

"We are anxious to talk to any former associates of Jason Martin-Smith or anyone who may have information in connection to what has happened to him."

DCI Moore ruled out any suggestion of gang warfare but said no real motive had been identified for the killings.

Anyone with information is asked to call Sussex police on 0845 607 0999.

January 21, 2002 10:30