Street crime in Lambeth has fallen over the past year according to the latest figures from the Met.

Statistics show a massive fall in the number of arrests for June, 383, compared to the same period last year which recorded 1,000.

The figures also show that people have been arrested or charged for all of the six murders that have taken place in the borough this year.

Acting Commander of Lambeth Police Brian Moore said: "Lambeth is one of the toughest policing areas in the country, but I am pleased to report we have seen a month on month reduction in the number of street robberies being reported to us which is very good news.

"I do accept however that we have more to do."

However, it's not all good news as the statistics also indicate an alarming increase in gun and car crime. In 2001-02 there were 315 recorded incidents involving fire arms, a rise of 100 on the previous year.

The figures were revealed by Commander Moore at the monthly meeting of the Community Police Consultative Group (CPCG) meeting at Lambeth town hall last Tuesday, July 2.

The accuracy of the figures was questioned however, with some complaining that people are put off reporting incidents rather than face the long queues at the front desk of police stations.

CPCG member Lloyd Leon said: "It is a disgrace how long people have to wait to see someone at Brixton police station. You have to wait hours so it's not surprising that some people don't bother."

Commander Moore accepted there was a problem at Brixton, but insisted that it was due to a reduction in the number of civilian staff.

"My wish is to have more people to work on the counter because it looks awful and turns people away, but I can't take police officers off front line duties to put them onto the front counter.

"We will never get the resources we need in Lambeth if we don't demonstrate the need. I need people to report crime."

Commander Moore also announced Brixton police station is shortly due to undergo a major rebuilding programme to address the problem, and that the borough is due to be allocated 27 new constables fresh from training college in the near future.

July 8, 2002 10:00