I refer to the letter from Simon Hooberman who talked about the Park Hill barrier fiasco.

As a former conservative councillor he actually chaired the sub transport committee which mooted this as an idea.

He explained after the local elections in 1998 when Labour won control they went ahead with this barrier with no public consultation the rest is history.

Mr Hooberman points out the barrier is in completely the wrong place from the original plans.

As a resident in one of the roads directly affected by this gross miscarriage of power, I urge other residents similarly affected to lobby the now Labour/Liberal council.

It really does not take a great deal of expertise to see barriers only work if the rest of the system is intergrated as part of the scheme.

Parking schemes should have been initiated (further reducing the large amounts of traffic piling in to small residential roads), road calming systems and some one-way systems.

Park Hill could have shared some of the traffic with the rest of the area instead of this we're alright Jack' attitude which now frankly has become very gauling. I just hope a new council will correct the mess made by the last one.

Arlene Allen

Rodenhurst Road


July 11, 2002 16:30