Kingston councillor suspended for bad language has the world gone topsy-turvy?

Senior council officers figured out an implausible 25 per cent recycling rate and published it in an official newspaper distributed to all households.

When challenged by a member of the public, the officers stand by their miscalculations and only accept fault when the Audit Commission is brought in to investigate. The only apology offered is at a committee meeting attended by a handful of people.

Presumably the phantom achievement of hitting the recycling target was well rewarded at the officers' annual appraisals with hearty pats on the back and more besides.

It is not surprising therefore that Kingston's longest-serving councillor had a thing or two to say upon the matter. That his language was intemperate is regrettable but I would judge, understandable. The fact officers made a glaring error and then refused to accept it could be wrong underlines the confidence councillors and the public need to have in them.

The councillor who apparently used some bad language is in effect suspended from committees for six months. Who is this supposed to punish? The councillors must be laughing since the council's chief watchdog is banished while they remain unrebuked, the Liberal Democrats are pleased to have one less opposition councillor to contend with and the councillor who is the subject of the ban can take a well earned rest.

The people who are put out by this appalling decision are the electorate, whether they voted for the man or not. I did not vote for Coun Mama, nor his party, but I feel a sense of proportion must be brought to this ridiculous episode. A private apology to those offended by the language used is surely sufficient.


Latchmere Lane


July 11, 2002 16:00