I WOULD like to draw readers' attention to the Scottish National Heritage's proposal to slaughter up to 5,000 hedgehogs on the Scottish island of Uist.

This is being done to comply with an EU directive to protect birds.

They are saying that the hedgehogs are eating the birds eggs and reducing the bird species.

Although I feel great sympathy with the loss of the birds, I cannot agree with eradication of one species to protect another.

Please contact your local MP and MEP, the RSPCA and other Animal welfare Organisations and ask them to stop this terrible tragedy.

Hedgehogs in the rest of the UK are decreasing in numbers and we need to protect them as well.

Visit the Epping Forest Hedgehog Rescue website at www.thehedgehog.co.uk to sign an online petition and find out how to help to prevent this needless slaughter

Thank you for your support

Derek Knight,

45 Chequers Road,


IG10 3QE.

July 16, 2002 09:30