Our Jubilee Tea was a great success. Flags and bunting decorated the hall and the table flower arrangements reflected the Golden theme. Our concert party opened proceedings with a very entertaining revue of the events of the past 50 years, then came the tea, sandwiches and cakes courtesy of members of course.

As last year, we joined with the Evening WI to run a cake stall at Chelsfield Village Fair on July 6. It actually stayed fine all day and we sold out well before the end!

At our July meeting, Mrs Ann Chance gave an hilarious account of how in her early 50's af-ter the experience of a sponsored parachute jump, she decided that if she was going to be air-bourne, it was safer inside a plane than outside!

So she enrolled at the Biggin Hill Flying School (the instructor seemed to her to be a boy of 14). After three years, at the age of 56, she passed all her exams and qualified as a pilot. Ten years later, she has now learned to ride a horse so that she can take part in cattle round ups in America!

In her vote of thanks, Joan Bruce said we had all had a good laugh and had thoroughly en-joyed the afternoon.

Our next meeting will be on September 11 at 2pm in Chelsfield Village Hall when Kingsnorth Nature Study Centre will be the subject of Mr Bill Jones' talk.

New members and visitors are always welcome.

July 17, 2002 16:30