I am also 16 years of age and I know it's wrong, or don't need to be told it is, to damage buses by writing on them.

Surely Mrs Eldridge's son should have the common sense and natural instincts to know it is wrong to write on buses.

Does he need to be told everything that is right or wrong? Surely he must have a mind of his own. Do buses and other transport vehicles come with pre-installed graffiti?

I am sure bus firms along with other transport companies will not tolerate this type of criminal damage, whether or not you know you are breaking the law.

Name and address supplied


Mrs D Eldridge astounds me when she writes her son did not realise drawing on buses was a criminal offence.

Let's see pictures of the yobs who commit damage. It is costing a fortune for the transport companies and the council, which the public ultimately pays, to clean up the mess or repair the damage done by these yobs.

If it causes a little upset to some of the yobs' families when their photos are published, then tough!


July 17, 2002 16:30