I hope Dean Blagden (Letters, July 3) gets the response he wants from Mayor Steve Bullock.

Rubbish is not the only failing of Lewisham borough. Our roads and paths are disgraceful.

I happened to see a loaded skip lorry drive across the pathway breaking flagstones and causing untold damage to services beneath.

I rang the highways department straight away, giving my name, address, phone number and the lorry name and number.

I saw the same thing happen a couple of days after, with different skips. I rang the highways department again. Same process. I rang a third time. Still no response.

I wrote to my local councillor. No response. I wrote to the mayor. I did receive a reply but the letter amazed me. I sent another letter enclosing photographs and I am still awaiting a reply.

This has been going on some four to five weeks and the path is still a hazard and nothing has been done.

R J Cooper

Taunton Road


July 17, 2002 16:00