A DRESSING DOWN: I am appalled your agony aunt tells Brian from Dartford his transvestism is harmless so why stop. The Bible and the Koran rightly condemn homosexuality. It prevents men from building families the way God wants it. You are sending the wrong message to readers and are actually encouraging them in that direction. They all end up unhappy because they go against nature. God gets them in the end you have no idea!

K Sahin-Igrele


FLAGGING SPIRITS: What's all the fuss about offending overseas visitors by flying the British flag? This is Britain. We are entitled to fly our national flag. Just look at patriotism during the Queen's Golden Jubilee, the World Cup and Wimbledon. There is nothing wrong with it. Foreigners should not be offended by our celebrations, otherwise they should stay away at such times. After all, do they care about our feelings when we visit their countries?

Miss A Navarre


UNWELLINGNESS?: Your newspaper's coverage of Welling United disappoints me. I know in the past the team have shown somewhat of a lack of ambition but it doesn't help that the area's premier local newspaper all but ignores them. Please do all that you can to get behind the Wings. One day, who knows, we might have them playing at the highest level, and that would be something for us all to feel proud of.

Paul Pettet


LOO-SING IT: Gravesend is a very unwelcome place for tourists. I went to the riverside esplanade on a fine day and the toilets and the cafe were shut. On a Sunday all the public toilets are closed. Doesn't the council want to attract tourists? Palm trees would be an exotic attraction. Plenty of new restaurants are opening. But the council must open up the facilities.

Thomas Machin


July 17, 2002 16:00