THE last few months may have been some of the wettest on record, but this flooding cannot be compared to the devastation of the disastrous floods of 50 years ago this week.

Although only one of the 300 lives lost was local, hundreds of people lost their homes and all their possessions.

To mark the anniversary, those who lived through the disaster are being invited to share their memories with others at a special event this Saturday at Belvedere community centre, in Mitchell Close.

Local historian and former police officer Ken Chamberlain will be talking about the floods and showing slides, but there will be plenty of time between 2.30pm and 5pm for people to tell their own personal stories of the flooding.

The event has been co-ordinated by Bexley councillor and lifelong borough resident Margaret O'Neill. Her late father Bob was also a local councillor and a mayor of Erith.

The floods are one of her earliest memories. She remembers her parents working tirelessly to help those who had lost everything.

The floods were caused by high tides and strong winds which swept down the east coast of England.

Locally, the surge of water up the Thames breached its banks in several places, causing the water to pour into neighbouring streets.

If you want to attend but have transport problems, call Cllr O'Neill on 020 8301 3299.

January 27, 2003 18:30