When will the borough's Labour MPs start telling the truth to their constituents about the realities of their Government's funding cuts for Wandsworth and other London councils?

In this borough alone the potential deficit for residents is around £5million. Is anybody really fooled by Martin Linton and Tony Colman's crocodile tears every time the council is forced into a tough funding decision of its own?

And when the council dutifully implements a Government policy for example on removing surplus places in schools do we get any acknowledgement from their local representatives of the very serious educational issues the council is trying to resolve?

But then telling the rest of us how to live our lives is what this Government and its obedient MPs are good at, while explaining and justifying their own actions to a concerned electorate is a little harder.

Paul Ellis

Conservative councillor for Shaftesbury ward

Town Hall


January 29, 2003 13:30