CARAVANS and mobile homes illegally occupying green belt land have been removed.

More than 30 police officers and 25 council enforcement workers swarmed the Waldens Farm site at Crockenhill Road, St Mary Cray, on Tuesday morning.

The council action, which many residents have been clamouring for, was taken to back up an enforcement notice issued last autumn.

A peaceful operation saw three mobile homes, a caravan, two mobile toilets and a secure lock-up removed from the site.

Around 11 occupants, adults and children, departed what had been their home since May last year in hastily-packed cars, leaving the area strewn with toys, oil drums and the odd pair of boots.

Council leader Councillor Stephen Carr said: "We simply cannot allow the illegal occupation of green belt land.

"It's adversely affecting the quality of life of residents.

"This was a last resort for us but it demonstrates our determination to tackle the issues facing us."

He added: "We've shown our commitment to using all legal options available to us until the situation is resolved. This will continue for as long as it takes."

The families had been refused retrospective planning permission and were not subject to an injunction banning caravans from the site because they moved on before July 1 last year.

They have been offered alternative accommodation.

James Revell, of Bromley Gypsy Travellers' Project, said: "These people have been put back on the merry-go-round. They will be forced out to a lay-by, where their health will suffer. It is horrendous.

"It makes me feel embarrassed to be English."