THE Thames Barrier was closed for the fourth time in two days last night (March 1) to protect London from high tides and river flooding, the Environment Agency says.

There are now 23 flood watches in force across the Thames Region although none directly affect rivers and tributaries in the News Shopper area.

The government’s Environment Agency says the weekend’s heavy rainfall has meant there are large flows coming down the River Thames as the land drains at a time when there are normally high spring tides.

It says a combination of these and some surge activity in the North Sea means the Thames Barrier will close to keep the tide from entering the capital city and maintain the tidal river Thames to a safe level.

The barrier closed at 11pm last night and was due to open at 4am this morning (March 2).

Thames tidal flood risk manager Andy Batchelor said: “Our 24-hour control room constantly monitors weather situations further up the coast and currently the forecast levels require us to close the Thames Barrier to allow it to perform its role and prevent flooding in the capital.

“The fact we’ve closed the Thames Barrier four times in a little over 48 hours highlights how important this defence is to the people of London.”

To obtain local river level information call the Environment Agency floodline on 0845 9881188 or visit