Tuesday the 26 of January 2010, was the day that the UK miraculously announced its astounding recovery from the recession.

At half past nine on a dreary Tuesday morning the UK was out of the recession by a whopping 0.1%. What an achievement. The economy finally ended six straight quarters of decline by growing in the final three months of 2009.

However, isn’t this just down to the Christmas rush of mad and excessive present buying?

Taking this into account, along with the lowering of VAT by 2.5%, its not exactly mind blowing that sales have increased.

In addition, the start of 2010 doesn’t look terribly hopeful for increasing profits, considering that for the most part of January we have been presented with a white blanket, preventing us from escaping to retail heaven.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistar Darling has spoken out saying that he is certain we are “on a path to recovery”. However, at this moment in time, that path looks painfully long and lacklusterly slow. Right now, the only hope is that that 0.1% recovery keeps inching up, a little faster than its present snail pace. However out of the recession, means the raising of VAT: great news. So it seems that we still won’t be having spare cash lying around any time soon then.