ANGRY residents say they were not consulted before a council agreed to change the plans to a school building.

Forty people attended a meeting so they could see the full details of the planned changes which were approved by Lewisham council without public consultation.

The revised plans for Northbrook School in Taunton Road, Lee, include panes of red glass forming a large cross at the front of the school, which will be lit after dark when the rooms behind are in use.

It would be the third Christian symbol to be included at the front of the school along with a smaller cross and a fish symbol.

The Lee Manor Society, a conservation group, says this is excessive.

Chairman of the society, Charles Batchelor, said: “When we objected to the cross, we were told this had already been approved by the council. We were absolutely flabbergasted.”

Residents became aware of the plan for the cross when they were invited to comment on proposals to change the colour of the plaster on the outside walls and to install window louvres to improve air conditioning.

Head teacher Father Richard Peers says he will agree to remove the small cross and fish symbol but would like to discuss the large cross with residents at another meeting.

He said: “We are happy to remove two of the symbols from the outside of the building and we are also happy to look at the design of it with residents.”

Mr Peers added: “We want to be apart of our community and I’m sorry they have been upset by the process.”

Northbrook School is being rebuilt as part of the government’s building schools for the future programme and is costing £18.88m to complete.