HIGH strength lager Special Brew a tipple often associated with street drinking has had an engraved plaque put on a bench in its honour.

The brass plaque with the simple message Special Brew & Benches' engraved on it, has been placed on the back of a bench in Deptford Memorial Gardens, in Breakspears Road, New Cross.

Lewisham Council, which is responsible for the selling and locating of benches, has no knowledge of where the plaque has come from and why it has been glued to the seat, which faces Lewisham College.

Brewed to nine per cent, Carlsberg Special Brew has something of a cult following amongst hard drinkers.

Street drinking has been banned from Catford Town Centre through to Lewisham High Street and the scheme is being extended to include more roads in and around Lewisham town centre.

A council spokesman said: "If there is a demand for drinking control zones to be introduced in New Cross and Deptford it is something the council would look at."

He added commemorative plaques have to be purchased separately from the benches and the wording used should not cause offence to members of the public.

l Do you know who placed the plaque on the bench? Call the newsdesk on 01689 885717.