THE club met on July 15 at the Railway Inn, Sole Street, Cobham where members enjoyed a two-course lunch of chicken and mushroom pie with new potatoes and vegetables, followed by a fruit crumble and coffee.

Our speaker was Charmaine Kemp, who has recently set up her own business refurbishing and selling disability scooters at reasonable cost.

She explained that after graduating from university, not once but twice, she discovered like many other postgraduates she was over qualified and under experienced for the many vacancies she applied for. She then carried out some research and found that the cost of new disability scooters were out of the range for many people.

She also found once an owner either passed away or was unable to use the scooters anymore for a number of reasons, what happened to them.

She set up Wheelie Good Mobility Enterprise and was contacted by the Prince's Trust, which was so impressed by her presentation it was able to help her with her start-up costs.

Charmaine, with the help of her father, not only refurbishes scooters but has also branched out into other disability aids.

The ladies were impressed with Charmaine's achievements, thanked her for her presentation and also gave her some feedback.

Our next meeting will be on August 19.

Further information regarding membership can be obtained by calling 01474 812780.