MIGRAINE sufferers can find out more about their condition when a special health roadshow comes to town.

Health charity The Migraine Trust is holding a free talk at the Greenwich West Community and Arts Centre, in Greenwich High Road, Greenwich, on Saturday (July 18) from 10.15am to 11.30am.

The event will give members of the public an introduction to the condition.

Wendy Thomas, chief executive of The Migraine Trust, said: “Whilst we can’t give you medical advice or diagnosis, we can help you understand some of the issues that affect migraine sufferers, such as migraine triggers and treatment options.

“Our travelling roadshows are very popular with people who suffer from migraine, and their families, and there are basic steps such as eating regularly which can have a dramatic impact on reducing migraine attacks.”

For more information about this event, visit migrainetrust.org