A NEW hi-tech computerised scanning machine has just been installed at Queen Mary’s Hospital.

The Siemens 64 slice CT scanner is the latest diagnostic technology producing highly detailed images and working 10 times faster.

A whole chest, abdominal and pelvis scan now takes just four to six seconds.

This is good news for patients at the Sidcup hospital, who have to stay completely still while being scanned and sometimes have to hold their breath throughout the procedure.

The £600,000 scanner will also help staff update their skills.

It can also scan as low as 0.3 of a millimetre, making it particularly effective for detecting cancer.

Superintendent radiographer at the hospital Brad Smith said: “It is a huge advantage with younger or confused patients.

“It is not easy for them to stay still for long, so they sometimes need sedation.

“This new machine is so fast, we can manage more often without sedation.”

Dr Chris Streather, chief executive of the new South London Healthcare Trust, said: “We want our patients to receive the most up-to-date and effective treatment available and are excited about the improvements and developments we are making across the trust.”