A SCHOOL’S commitment to art has been recognised with its second Artsmark gold award.

Trinity CofE School in Erith Road, Belvedere, is a specialist school in humanities and arts.

Headteacher Ian Collins said: “We see the arts as being central to the personal development of all our pupils.”

The Artsmark scheme, run by the Arts Council of England in partnership with the Government and other organisations, recognises a school’s excellence and commitment to arts education with bronze, silver and gold awards.

To achieve a gold award, a school must devote at least 15 per cent of its teaching time to the arts.

An Artsmark school also helps teachers with develop their skills and learn from local artists and arts groups.

After progressing through bronze and silver, this is the second time the school has won a gold award, The award lasts three years and this one follows on from its 2006 award.

Mr Collins said: “Our students have really enjoyed working with a diverse range of arts practitioners.”