THE club was formed in 1946 and holds regular Wednesday meetings throughout the year on a monthly basis at the Methodist Church in Sevenoaks Road.

On April 8 we were shown a fascinating display of Monmouthshire postal history by Trevor Wigmore.

It started with pre-stamp correspondence from 1745 and covered the many postmarks like straight line, 2 line, serpentine, mileage and double arc.

He then displayed the penny black of 1840 on cover together with a Mulready example and then followed up with many instructional marks and cachets through to prisoner of war mail and the Phillips philatelic air mail covers.

For the modern period there was a very informative selection of slogan and special event postmarks including the commemoration of the famous 'Mole' wrench.

The next meeting will be held on the May 13 with the AGM and the popular philatelic auction.

Details of the club can be obtained from the secretary on 01689 837055.