COUNCILLORS will meet this week to decide whether to let developers build more homes on green belt land in Bromley Common.

Two years ago, the Government overruled a decision by Bromley Council and gave outline permission for 800 homes to be built on the Blue Circle Sports Ground in Bromley Common.

On Thursday night (April 16), councillors will need to decide whether to approve the third phase of development on the green belt land.

The application includes plans for 92 one and two bedroom flats in four separate blocks.

Development on the site was allowed after the Secretary of State agreed there was a serious housing shortage in the borough.

Secretary of Bromley Friends of the Earth, Ray Watson, says Bromley Council are in no position to block the latest application after being overruled by the Government.

He said: “Overall It is a sadness that this previously open land is now likely to disappear under cement and concrete.

“As we expected the development appears cramped and crowded.

“The density of 75 dwellings per hectare is at the top end of what the Planning Inspector allowed and the developer could hardly squeeze on another house.”

Extra traffic

Two of the new blocks will be four storeys high, while the remaining pair, facing onto the busy A21, will be five storeys.

Nearby residents have complained the new blocks should be smaller and moved into the centre of the site, rather than fronting onto Bromley Common and Crown Lane Spur.

Concerned locals have also said there will be an increase in traffic at the already busy roundabout.

The large-scale development on the 34-acre site may eventually include a new medical centre, nursing home, children's playground, allotments and a bus interchange.

The first two phases of the masterplan, including blueprints for more than 100 affordable and extra care homes, have already been approved.

The latest application is also recommended for approval at the meeting on Thursday.