A TRAVEL writer who did a solo trek across Africa talked about his expedition and signed copies of his book.

Fran Sandham gave talks about his book, Traversa at Coldharbour Library in Coldharbour Road and Dartford Library in Market Street, Dartford on October 27.

He spoke about his year long solo walk across Africa from the Skeleton Coast to the Indian Ocean.

The 44-year-old was an editor at Rough Guides for three years, and has worked in bookselling for over ten years.

Mr Sandham now lives in Kingston in London and divides his time between freelance writing, editing and public speaking.

Margaret Farman, customer service assistant at Coldharbour library said: “We had a good turn out with around 30 people attending the talk, which lasted just over an hour.

“The author was there to talk about and sign copies of his latest book.

“People commented that they enjoyed the talk and found it very interesting.”

For more information on his book visit traversa.co.uk.