A United Nations report has claimed the development of the biofuel industry could create as many as 12 million jobs by 2030.

The report says half the world’s 2.3 million green employees work in biofuels and as more governments adopt environmental policies, this number could rise dramatically.

However, the document also warns rapid development of the industry could do just as much harm as good.

It raises concerns large-scale biofuel production might drive large numbers of people off their land in future years.

Campaign group Greenpeace has given its support to the Conservative Party’s plan to develop a high-speed rail network connecting London to Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds.

Greenpeace argues the move would prioritise the climate over business interests by cutting congestion and flights.

Greenpeace believes the Conservative announcement will increase pressure on Gordon Brown to halt the expansion of Heathrow.

Mayor of London Boris Johnson and CABE Space, the Government’s adviser on urban design, have published new planning guidance which encourages local authorities to make best use of parks and public open spaces.

The Open Space Strategies guide provides advice on assessing the quantity and quality of open spaces and on identifying the needs of communities and other users.

Girl Guiding groups are being asked to sign up to the One Planet Challenge.

This is part of the new Girl Guiding UK: Changing the World initiative.

Eighteen UK charities have created a range of community-based activity projects for groups to choose from. Visit girlguiding.org.uk/changingtheworld to find out more.

The European Environment Committee has voted to cut CO2 emissions from cars over the next four years.

Currently the average car in Europe emits 158g of CO2 per kilometre. The proposals should see this drop to 130g by 2012.

They have also set a target of 95g per kilometre by 2020.