A BUS stop, telephone and ironing board were among the items collected by youngsters at a river clean-up.

Joining forces with environmental charity Thames21, the 15th Sydenham Scout Group based at Our Lady and St Philip Neri School, Sydenham Road, Sydenham, were taking part in a sponsored clean-up of the Pool River.

It runs from Lower Sydenham to Catford, where it joins the River Ravensbourne.

Thirty Scouts, Cubs and Beavers used equipment provided by Thames21 at the clean-up.

They collected 20 sacks of rubbish and other items, including a shopping trolley.

Scout group chairman Liam Curran said: “The Scouts’ message to residents is ‘Don’t throw your rubbish in the river’.”

The group used the event to raise money for charity the Scout Association and have raised around £500 so far.

To make a donation, visit the website justgiving.com/15thsydenhamscoutgroup