Here are the steps to creating colour within a black and white photo.

(1) Open your image in photoshop

(2) Use the marquee tool (top left in tool box) and select the whole image.

(3) Copy the image and paste it on top of the current image. You should currently have 2 layers of the same image on top of one another.

(4) Select the top layer.

(5) Go to the navigation at the top and select image, adjustments and then "desaturate". The top layer should now turn black and white.

(6) Select the area that you wish to see in colour, it might be worth using the Polygonal Lasso tool (to get this tool, it should be the top left, second from top - hold the right button down and you should get a drop down menu to the right of it)

(7) Select your area and then pick the eraser tool.

(8) Erase within the selected area - this should now be displaying in colour because the layer beneath is the layer that is in colour.

The finished image, should look a little like this:

A handy tip - it might be worth blurring around the edges on the top layer, sometimes this effect can look too sharp, especially on high res images.