The Six of Crows duology contains the books "Six of Crows" and "Crooked Kingdom" by Leigh Bardugo. The story follows 6 teenagers in the city of Ketterdam.


My favourite aspect of this duology is the characters. Each character has their own backstory and the relationships between them are all unique. There is a strong foundation family aspect and you can tell that there is a strong connection.


The world building is also well shown. Leigh Bardugo used inspiration from real life countries to create her fictional world in this duology. There are three main countries: Kerch (where Ketterdam is the capital city), Fjerda and Ravka. Each has its own charm.


Overall, if you're looking for a fantasy duology with incredible adventures and plenty of plot twists, Six of Crows is perfect for you! This is one of my favourite book I have read and I recommend it to everyone.