This year, my friends and I went to Tulleys Farm’s Shocktober Fest, and it was every bit as thrilling and terrifying as I hoped it would be.

With perfect autumn weather (cool, dry, and just chilly enough to feel like Halloween without freezing) it set the stage for a night full of scares, laughter, and more than a few moments of sheer panic.

From the moment we arrived, the energy was buzzing.

The whole place was lit up with spooky decorations and eerie lights, and you could hear screams in the distance from people already making their way through the haunted mazes.

I was both excited and nervous, knowing I was about to dive into the chaos myself.

The first maze we tackled was intense.

As soon as we stepped in, the atmosphere was thick with fog, darkness, and creepy sounds all around.

The actors were incredible, lurking in every shadow, waiting for the perfect moment to jump out and scare the life out of you.

I thought I’d be able to predict when the jump scares were coming, but I was wrong—every time.

Whether it was something springing out from behind a wall or an actor creeping up behind me, my heart was racing from the very start.

But the most chaotic—and hilarious—moment came when we got totally lost in one of the mazes, thanks to a smoke machine that was working overtime.

The fog was so thick that we could barely see our hands in front of our faces.

It was disorienting, and after a few wrong turns, we realised we had no idea where we or the people around us were.

At one point, we weren’t sure if we were heading deeper into the maze or walking in circles.

Everything looked the same in the swirling fog.

We kept bumping into walls, hoping we’d find the exit, but all we could do was laugh at how lost we were—and then scream whenever someone jumped out from the mist.

One of the scariest moments of the night happened when I somehow wandered into the wrong door.

We were walking through one maze when I accidentally ended up in a side entrance—only to realise too late that I was standing right in the entrance/exit area where the actors (nuns, this time) were coming in and out.

Before I could even figure out where I was, one of the actors—fully dressed as a horrifying, ghostly nun—spotted me and ran straight towards me.

For a split second, I wasn’t sure if I was in the maze or some behind-the-scenes nightmare.

I froze before turning around and scrambling back through the door to where I was actually supposed to be.

After surviving the mazes, we took a much-needed break and grabbed some hot chocolate.

Let me tell you, there’s nothing like sipping a steaming hot chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles and a flake and all that stuff after getting your nerves completely shattered.

(Image: Poppy Huggett) It was like being at Winter Wonderland’s older cousin Autumn Wonderland.

It was nice to just sit for a bit, watching other people rush out of the mazes, still looking over their shoulders for any stray monsters.

The warmth of the drink and the crisp autumn air made for the perfect break before heading off to more madness.

(Image: Ezekiel Bertrand)

One of the highlights of the entire evening was when we went on the famous tractor ride, which was a wild experience in itself.

Picture a bumpy ride through the dark farmland, with live actors popping up out of nowhere, chasing after the tractor and jumping on board to scare everyone.

(Image: Ezekiel Bertrand)

Everyone on the tractor was nervously giggling, unsure when the next scare was coming, but loving every second of it.

Overall, my night at Tulleys Farm Shocktober Fest was a perfect mix of fear, fun, and laughter.

The mazes were genuinely terrifying, the actors were amazing, and even getting lost added to the experience.

If you’re looking for an unforgettable Halloween adventure, I can’t recommend it enough.

Just be prepared for the unexpected—whether it’s getting lost in the fog, taking a wrong turn into the actor’s area, or spilling your hot chocolate from all the jump scares.