A fake charity worker snatched a necklace from an elderly woman after she followed her home from Tesco in Orpington. 

Daniela Niculai, 31, of Nightingale Road in Edmonton, has been jailed for two years and eight months for her “cowardly” crime. 

At around 1pm on April 2 the 78-year-old victim was parked in a disabled bay outside the south east London supermarket when she was approached by Niculai. 

The crook managed to trick the elderly woman into signing a form of a bogus charity, which included providing her name and home postcode. 

Niculai then followed the woman back to her home in Swanley and approached her again, offering to help unload her shopping

Ignoring shouts to be left alone, Niculai then told the elderly woman she needed to be hugged and placed her hands around her neck. 

It was only when Niculai walked back to her car and drove away that the victim realised the gold necklace she was wearing was missing. 

Fortunately, the thief was identified by a camera outside the victim’s home. 

She was later arrested at her home in north London and was charged with robbery. 

It was revealed in court that Niculai had committed two further offences against elderly victims outside supermarkets in Cambridgeshire and Suffolk. 

On Monday (September 23) Niculai was jailed for two years and eight months. 

Detective Constable Nell Shortis, from Kent Police, said: “It is extremely rare for elderly victims to be so callously targeted in this manner, however when it does happen the impact can be truly devastating and often causes long-lasting fear and anxiety. 

“There can be little doubt that Niculai would have repeated her cowardly actions by targeting and stealing from other vulnerable people within our communities, and I’m thankful that our officers were able to track her down so quickly. 

“I hope those affected by Niculai’s crimes will be able to take some reassurance, now she is behind bars and unable to cause further harm.”