Realising your potential is the cornerstone of Welling School’s revolutionised approach to education and standards.

Students and staff are the beneficiaries of a revolutionised curriculum, innovative pedagogy techniques and unrecognisable cultural reform. Daniel Hatley, Executive Headteacher, and Brian Griffen, Headteacher, have led the strategy and support mechanisms to improve Welling School in a number of key areas.

We speak to Daniel and Brian about Welling School’s upward trajectory in academic achievement, behaviour and valuable experiences.

(Image: Welling School)

Q: How did you formulate your new education strategies?

A: In 2022 when the school was judged by Ofsted as Inadequate, a key priority was to raise standards and expectations of the school community with a clear vision about what was to be achieved. In order to do that we had to ensure excellent appointments especially to leadership and teaching positions. Having the right people in the right roles has been critical for us.

Luckily we already had a core team of highly supportive and extremely committed staff who understood the task we had and were ready to do whatever it took to achieve it. Since Brian’s appointment in April 2023 we have made even more rapid progress. In October 2023 the school was reinspected by Ofsted and rated ‘Good’ for leadership and management, behaviour and attitude, sixth form and personal development.

This has been no mean feat, and we still have plenty to achieve in the future. The first major focus required was to create a cultural framework within the school, establishing behaviour routines and ensuring that staff and students set heightened expectations based on their abilities and potential.

Revolutionising the staff training has been crucial to the overall success of the cultural shift. High quality, bespoke training methods unlock the key skills of all school staff – from intensive pedagogy sessions to inclusive assemblies, we ensure our staff are confident and well-prepared.

(Image: Welling School) Q: What can you tell us about personal development opportunities?

A: Providing ample opportunities for students to develop soft skills and enrich their school experience is one of our key objectives. Throughout their school career, Welling students can visit places of worship, enjoy international trips and embark on work experience placements.

School trips have been incorporated into our unique rewards system, as we strongly believe that positive behaviour should lead to beneficial consequences. Personal development days have been a hugely successful part of this strategy, in which each year group can discover the extra-curricular clubs and activities on offer.

Q: How does the curriculum set Welling School apart?

A: Our approach to the curriculum interweaves the teaching of essential knowledge and skills with a human, empathetic outlook. We want our students to pursue their passions without being dissuaded in any form.

As a result, Welling School has become widely renowned for our Drama and Theatre output. Performing Arts is a true speciality of ours, and we have several vocational pathways available for students as they expand their skillsets into specific areas. We don’t neglect any subject here at Welling School – Engineering is now available as a GCSE subject, alongside triple science and maths.

Sport is extremely strong within our Sixth Form, in which students are treated as a professional sportsperson. Our role model programme within the football academy is an ideal marriage between extra-curricular and academic achievement, where individuals have the opportunity to play at an elite level.

(Image: Welling School) Q: Why is Welling School an attractive option for students and parents?

A: The amount of time and resources that have been invested into our staff and students since 2022 has revolutionised Welling School. Our staff have incorporated a bespoke pedagogy strategy that regularly assesses performance in the classroom and strives to support every student.

We recently opened our doors for morning tours and open days for prospective students and their parents. Thanks to our high standards and expectations for our pupils, we had record numbers of families looking at Welling School as their first choice of secondary.

Our ambition is to become the school of choice for our community, where we nurture and care for the next generation. We have seen a remarkable turnaround in students holding themselves to an incredibly high standard and believing that they are the ones who direct their own futures.

If you are interested in open days or attending Welling School, visit or call 020 8304 8531.