The Bromley Child Health Integrated Partnership Team (BCHIP) has been nominated for a national NHS Parliamentary Award, recognising their innovative approach to children’s healthcare in the borough.

The team, put forward by Orpington MP Gareth Bacon, is shortlisted in the Excellence in Primary and Community Care category.

The winner will be announced on Monday, October 14.

BCHIP is designed to bring together various health, care, and support services for children and families, helping them access the care they need closer to home.

By using a multi-disciplinary team made up of GPs, nurses, and paediatricians, the service aims to reduce hospital visits and help families better manage their child’s health.

Launched in 2023, BCHIP is now available in seven of the eight Primary Care Networks (PCNs) in Bromley, with the final PCN expected to join by the end of the year.

GPs can refer children to community clinics, where a team reviews each case and provides advice, further referrals, or appointments in the BCHIP clinic, ensuring children get the right care quickly.

Early data shows positive results:

Fewer hospital visits: More children are being seen by paediatricians in local community clinics instead of hospitals.

Efficient triage: Around 21% of children were referred to the next step in the BCHIP process, showing the service is directing children to the right level of care.

Reduced wait times: Children needing specialist care are seen 20 weeks sooner than they would have been under the traditional system.

Positive feedback: 96% of families said they were happy with their experience.

Dr Andrew Parson, Co-Chair and Clinical Lead for One Bromley Local Care Partnership said: “Once fully embedded across Bromley we will begin to integrate additional services and professionals.

“This could, for example, include community paediatricians, asthma nurses or mental health professionals.

“It will serve as a blueprint for other areas seeking to improve services for children and families within neighbourhood locations.

“Attending hospital can be daunting for children and families due to the unfamiliar environment, anxiety about medical procedures, fear of the unknown and the association with illness.

“The BCHIP has led to a significant reduction in hospital visits for children.”

“Feedback from families has been overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the benefits of the community clinic model.

“Families appreciate the longer appointment times, the convenience of seeing specialists at their GP surgery, and the caring and attentive nature of the paediatricians.”

Dr Angela Bhan, Bromley Executive Lead, NHS South East London said: “The BCHIP service supports our aim to ensure that every Bromley child, young person, and family is as healthy as they can be and that they can get the help they need to stay well and thrive.

“I am delighted that the team is getting the recognition that it deserves, and I am grateful to Mr Bacon for nominating the service Bromley Children's Integrated Health Clinics is an integrated service delivered by several Bromley organisations working together within the One Bromley Local Care Partnership.

“Feedback from service users has included: “Enabled us to see a consultant very quickly and conveniently.

“It was also good to see clear collaboration between attending GP and consultant.

“So convenient and quick without the 6-9month usual wait Paediatrician examination at a GP surgery is genius, wish it was available sooner.”