The identity of a teen who stabbed 15-year-old Elianne Andam to death in Croydon has been revealed for the first time. 

Elianne was on her way to school when she was attacked in Wellesley Road at 8.30am on September 27 last year. 

Hassan Sentamu was charged with her murder but reporting restrictions prevented us from revealing his identity until Friday (September 6) when he turned 18. 

Sentamu has admitted being the person who inflicted the fatal knife wound on Elianne. 

At an Old Bailey court hearing in March when he was asked how he pleads to the charge of murder he replied: "Not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter." 

Elianne was a year 11 pupil at Old Palace of John Whitgift school. 

Her family previously said: “We as a family are struggling to comprehend this painful tragedy that has happened to our beautiful daughter and beloved sister Elianne. Our hearts are broken. 

“Elianne was a beautiful person inside and out who loved Jesus. She was intelligent, thoughtful, kind and had a bright future ahead. 

"It is our request that you keep our cherished daughter Elianne and our family in your thoughts and prayers.” 

Sentamu, from Croydon, is set to stand trial for murder in November.