A crack-cocaine dealer threw a bin liner of drugs out of his car window while trying to evade arrest. 

Ardley Wray, 59, of Bedivere Road in Bromley, has been jailed for five years and seven months after police recovered £7,000 worth of drugs. 

In September 2022 Wray was seen leaving a property in Hauxton, South Cambridgeshire, after they received intelligence drug dealing was taking place. 

They followed him to the A10 before signalling for him to pull over but he refused to stop and weaved around two police cars to escape. 

During a pursuit officers saw him chuck a bin liner out of the window. 

A stinger was deployed further up the road but when Wray’s tyres were punctured he jumped out of the car and ran across a field. 

After a short foot chase Wray was detained and the drugs were recovered from the side of the road. 

Officers also found cash and evidence of drug-dealing messages on his phone. 

Wray pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply cocaine and heroin and at Cambridge Crown Court on August 9 he was jailed. 


Detective Sergeant Jonathan Lockwood, who investigated, said: “Wray thought he could evade punishment by discarding a large quantity of the drugs out of his car window. 

“Unfortunately for him, one of our officers spotted this move and thwarted his plan. 

“Drugs are a scourge on our society and cause misery for so many in so many ways. I’m glad justice has been done today.”