A mum narrowly escaped a prison sentence after she charged a police officer while shouting “f***ing take me” at a far-right demonstration. 

Kelly Wildego, 41, from Abbey Wood, admitted assaulting a police officer during the demonstration at Whitehall on the evening of July 31.  

Wildego shouted “you should all be f***ing ashamed of yourselves, you’re a bunch of f***ing c***s” before she charged at police twice while shouting “f***ing take me”. 

The mum later explained that her husband had been arrested earlier in the demonstration and “in a state of panic” she decided she wanted to be arrested so she could be with him. 

Judge Freya Newbery said this would ordinarily result in an immediate prison sentence but she would suspend the sentence due to the “extraordinary” hardship it would cause to her disabled 13-year-old who she is sole carer for. 

Kelly WildegoKelly Wildego (Image: Met Police) At Inner London Crown Court on Monday (August 19) prosecutor Alexander Agbamu said Daniel Thomas, known as Danny Tommo, organised the demonstration and members of the far-right responded with the seeming intention of replicating scenes seen earlier in the week across the country.  

Police imposed conditions that demonstrators must remain on Richmond Terrace and the protest must end by 8.30pm.  

However, the demonstration grew violent as demonstrators broke out of the area and bottles were thrown at officers. 

Mr Agbamu said that at around 8.45pm as the crowd was thinning out and the worst of the violence was over but Wildego was seen shouting at police: “You should all be f***ing ashamed of yourselves. You’re a bunch of f***ing c***s.”   

Footage showed Wildego backing into the crowd before running at a police officer shouting “f***ing take me”.   

Joseph Law, defending, said: “Ms Wildego sits in a place that is known to her and she is wholly ashamed.” 

He explained that Wildego’s husband had been arrested earlier in the demonstration before later being released without charge. 

His arrest sent Wildego into “a state of panic”, Mr Lord said. 

“At that point she took the, in her word, stupid, rash decision in that she decided she wanted to be arrested so she could be with her husband in detention,” Mr Lord said. 

Kelly Wildego pictured while being arrested at the far-right demonstration in Whitehall on July 31Kelly Wildego pictured while being arrested at the far-right demonstration in Whitehall on July 31 (Image: Met Police) He explained that Wildego is a full-time carer for her 13-year-old son and that on the night in question her parents were looking after him. 

“Frankly if she were to receive an immediate custodial sentence it would be extremely harmful to him,” Mr Lord said. 

Judge Newbery told Wildego: “It was such a stupid thing of you to do, wasn’t it. You’re not the type of person who usually acts like that. It was out of character.” 

She added “I don’t know what got into you”. 


“I can tell you that in most other cases, unless there are extraordinary reasons, these have to be immediate custodial sentences,” Judge Newbery said. 

But she said an immediate prison sentence would have a very harmful effect on her son. 

Judge Newbery therefore sentenced Wildego to four months in custody suspended for six months. 

Wildego, of Harrow Manorway, will have a curfew for eight weeks and will have to pay £200 towards the cost of prosecution.