A man from Eltham has been jailed after he violently attacked his ex-partner, fracturing her arm and strangling her as well as calling her mobile more than 3,000 times in a 12-day period.

Anthony Matthews, 43, of Lovelace Green, Eltham, was sentenced on Friday, August 9, at Woolwich Crown Court.

He received a 37-month prison term for domestic abuse offenses, including grievous bodily harm and making threats to kill.

Matthews' ex-partner first contacted the police following an incident on September 6, 2023 after he strangled her, and she only managed to escape and call 999 after freeing herself from him.

Met officers began gathering evidence and documenting the victim's injuries, including a fractured wrist caused by being thrown into a wardrobe during the assault.

In collaboration with Lewisham Council, police also installed a security system and panic alarms in her home and secured a restraining order against Matthews to ensure her continued safety.

The case escalated further when the victim called the police again on February 24, 2024, after Matthews breached his bail conditions.

Officers said that this demonstrated his increasingly erratic and threatening behaviour.

Matthews had called her over 3,000 times within a 12-day period.

A detailed analysis of phone records revealed 30 voicemails filled with abusive and threatening language, including references to Matthews watching the victim from outside her property.

Detective Constable Jack Mounstephen, who led the investigation, said: “I want to commend the victim who bravely told officers about what had been happening to her.

“This showed huge courage and I hope this case will demonstrate to any other victims of domestic abuse in Lewisham that we are there to listen and will take action to keep you safe.

“We are coming for those who intend to carry out violence against women and girls behind closed doors. We will do everything in our power to protect victims and target domestic abusers who prey on innocent members of our community.”

Anthony Matthews, 43, was found guilty on Friday, August 9, 2024, at Woolwich Crown Court. The full list of offences include: • Grievous Bodily Harm upon a person; • Strangulation; • Threats to kill; • Three counts of assault by beating; • Two counts of criminal damage; • Stalking through fear of violence; • Stalking through malicious communications online.