UNISON has slammed Lewisham Council for “deliberately choosing a hard-line approach” when it comes to “threatening staff with redundancy”.

The trade union organisation calls for the council to reconsider plans that “threaten” members of staff with redundancy, dismissal or being moved to a lower grade.

On Thursday, August 8, UNISON claimed that these changes were set to impact five members of staff.

It went on to say that two of these five workers whose jobs were at risk include the secretaries of UNISON’s Lewisham Council branch.

Lewisham Council has said that while it cannot comment on specific employment queries, normal HR processes are being followed and it is in “active dialogue” with UNISON.

UNISON went on to say that its attempts at finding a solution failed after the council “revoked a previous deal” which the organisation said was “effectively ending the hopes of a resolution”.

The union fears that this could “undermine the working relationship with the union at a time when the local authority is facing the possibility of having to a make cuts totalling £25m”. 

However, the council has responded to say that it has “strong and valued relationships” with unions to make sure staff and structures are working.

UNISON London regional organiser Rachael Johnson said: “Lewisham's decision to make posts redundant and threaten to dismiss staff is foolish.

“The council must think again.

“When services are so stretched the council should be looking at how it can keep hold of its staff, not showing them the door."

A Lewisham Council Spokesperson said: “As a council we have strong and valued relationships with our unions and work constructively with them to ensure our staff have access to union representation.

“We also have a responsibility to provide value for money for our residents and to ensure that our staff and structures are fit for purpose and delivering high quality services.

“We cannot comment on specific employment issues but can confirm we are following our normal HR processes, as we would for any member of staff in similar circumstances.

“In the meantime, we are in active dialogue and discussions with Unison to ensure it can continue its important role in supporting our staff.”