A Bromley preschool has been rated as inadequate by Ofsted as “children’s safety is jeopardised”.

Angelface Preschool, based in Oakridge Road, was last inspected on June 28.

The inspection was then published on August 7.

It was rated as inadequate in all areas: Leadership and management, behaviour and attitudes, quality of education and personal development.

It has previously been rated as good after its inspection in 2018.

Inspectors reported that “leaders do not ensure that safeguarding policies and procedures are implemented consistently to keep children safe”.

This results in not all staff knowing the procedures that must be followed, Ofsted reported, which “jeopardises children’s safety”.

Ofsted did report that “leaders have a strong vision for the pre-school” which aims to support kids so that they can build “resilience and independence”.

However, inspectors found the nursery has staffing challenges which has led to “inconsistencies in how this vision is shared”.

For example, Ofsted reported that staff don’t give pupils enough access to “challenging learning opportunities”, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and disadvantaged children.

Ofsted concluded that this means some children are not well prepared for the next stage in their education.

Inspectors found that staff get to know the children well, building relationships with them and giving reassurance when they are upset.

Children were found to be “happy and relaxed”.

But inspectors said that staff do not have “consistently high expectations”, sometimes telling children “no” when they ask to try new activities.

They added that children are not always encouraged by staff to “make new choices or explore new skills”, which leads to children not developing high levels of confidence and self-esteem.

Leaders do not always follow the procedure for checking suitability of staff, for example, the nursery does not always to disclosure and barring service checks for staff.

According to Ofsted, this means that it cannot be assured of the suitability of staff.

Staff are not sufficiently supported when it comes to implementing the safeguarding policy and procedures for checking staff understand policy “lacks rigour”.

This leads not all staff feeling confident about what they have to do if there is a concern for children’s safety.

Inspectors said: “Therefore, leaders cannot assure children’s safety.”

While the curriculum aims are to “support children to have a go, experience setbacks and build resilience”, opportunities for these things to happen were found to be “not effective”.

According to Ofsted, children being unable to routinely make choices limits their emotional security.

The report goes on to share that procedures for sharing good practice are “not robust enough” and that there are inconsistencies in how staff teach children rules and expectations.

Ofsted found that leaders to make links with local partners when they need to, for example where children have gaps in their learning support is put in place.

Parents told Ofsted that they are given regular updates about what their children are learning which helps children settle well.

The News Shopper has contacted Angelface Preschool for comment.