Two demonstrations are due to take place in London following riots during the week.

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) is due to hold a demonstration in central London on Saturday (August 3).

At the same time, the “Enough is Enough” campaign group is holding a static demonstration on the route of the march.

The Met Police has created a special policing plan for these events, Scotland Yard said.

To reassure the public, Met Police officers have been meeting with Muslim community leaders and visiting local mosques and religious buildings.

They are providing advice and listening to concerns, and will continue doing so over the weekend.

The Met has not received any reports of protests similar to those seen on Wednesday which followed riots in Stockport after three children were stabbed.

A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police added: "While everyone has the right to peacefully protest, the Met will not tolerate violence or incitement of racial and religious hatred.

"Officers will respond quickly to any crimes, either at the scene or through subsequent investigations."

The Met has set specific rules for the demonstrations to ensure safety and order:

PSC Demonstration

Route: The demonstration will start at Park Lane and end in Whitehall.

Rules: Participants must stay in the designated area on Park Lane (southbound) until the march starts (Section 14 Condition).

Participants must follow the route shown on the map (Section 12 Condition).

PSC routePSC route (Image: Met Police)

Participants must stay in the designated area and finish by 4.30 PM (Section 14 Condition).

"Enough is Enough" Assembly

Rule: Participants must stay in the designated area shown on the map (Section 14 Condition).

Enough is Enough static demonstrationEnough is Enough static demonstration (Image: Met Police)These rules are in place to keep everyone safe and maintain order during the demonstrations.