A Bexley man stabbed the mother of his children to death as their terrified kids hid in the room next door. 

Leila Young had been planning on leaving abusive Tony Curant before he murdered her at their home on Penhill Road on January 16. 

In texts Leila described Curant as “the biggest bully she had ever met” and said their relationship was over. 

Described as a fun and loving mummy who was the life and soul of her family, Leila suffered 57 stab injuries including 18 to her head, face and neck. 

On Friday (August 2) 33-year-old Curant was jailed for life with a minimum term of 21 years as Judge David Aaronberg KC described it as a “frenzied attack, part of which took place in front of or near to your traumatised children”. 

'Is mum still alive?’ 

Curant and Leila got together in 2006, split up in 2009, then got back together in 2014, prosecutor Louise Oakley said. 

“At the time Tony Curant promised Leila’s mum he would look after her daughter and treat her properly,” Ms Oakley said. 

The couple had three children together but Ms Oakley said Curant was abusive towards Leila. 

It became clear in December 2023 that Leila was in the “depths of despair” and accused Curant of raping her and beating her up in front of their kids. 

She called Curant “the biggest bully she had ever met” and set out plans to see a doctor to get help. 

"It came to the point where Leila had enough and wanted to leave. She had recently found a flat for her and her children to live in and was making plans for their future,” Ms Oakley said. 

On the afternoon of the attack Leila left her mum a voice message saying in a quiet voice that she thinks she is going to need back up. 

She also sent a voice recording of her crying as Curant made unsubstantiated claims that she was cheating on him. 

Leila’s mum tried to call her back but got no answer. 

At around 4pm Tony Curant phoned 999 and said Leila had been stabbed and was “basically dead”. 

When emergency services arrived Curant answered the door and told them Leila was upstairs. They found Leila in a pool of blood in their bedroom, Ms Oakley said. 

She told paramedics: “Please save me. I can’t feel my body. Tony done it.” 

Their children were found in the next room. When they were found they asked “is mum still alive” and told officers their dad had taken their phones so they couldn’t call for help. 

Leila died in hospital a week later on January 23. 

The scene of the murder on Penhill RoadThe scene of the murder on Penhill Road (Image: NQ)

'Our family has been shattered’ 

In a victim impact statement, Caroline Young said: “My beautiful daughter Leila was brutally taken from us all by the father of her children and the man she trusted. The man she tried to hard to help. 

“Leila was not just my daughter. She was my best friend who I spoke to every day and laughed like I did with no other.” 

Caroline said Leila was the life and soul of their family, bringing them all together. 

“Our family has been shattered by this senseless act of violence. Joy and laughter has been replaced by tears and grief,” she said. 

Caroline told the court her daughter was unrecognisable due to her injuries and she held her hand as she died in hospital a week later on January 23. 

She said: “I cannot think of the words I would want to say to Tony Curant. I am so full of anger I cannot describe. I want to know why you did this to my beautiful daughter. 

“None of this makes any sense to me. I feel I am still living a nightmare but one I can never wake up from.” 

Tony Curant, who made most of his money from drug dealingTony Curant, who made most of his money from drug dealing (Image: Met Police)

Hidden in a brothel  

As emergency services ran into their home on Penhill Road, Curant took the opportunity to flea.  

He phoned his friend, Richard Ray, and told him: “I’ve killed my missus.”  

Ray said: “I genuinely thought he was off his f***ing nut.”  

Ray picked Curant up on Blackfen Drive, stopped at Tesco for cigarettes and alcohol, drove past the scene on Penhill Road, then dropped Curant off in Dartford.  

In texts to another friend Ray sent a screenshot of a news article titled “woman fighting for life after Bexley stabbing”. 

Ray then sent messages saying “no bullshit” and another with a smiling and laughing emoji. 

Richard Ray who has pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justiceRichard Ray who has pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice (Image: Met Police) Curant was housed in a brothel in Dartford until he was arrested on January 20. 

When he was arrested he told police drugs and alcohol made him do it. 

He described Leila as the love of his life and said: “I never intended for one moment to kill her or cause her any harm. I was off my head on cocaine and alcohol.” 

He later pleaded guilty to murder. 

Life with a minimum of 21 years 

Sentencing Curant, Judge Aaronberg described the circumstances of the murder as “utterly horrific”. 

He said that since the age of 18 Curant had made most of his money by selling drugs and had a tendancy to act violency as he frequently abused drink and drugs. 

“She must have been completely terrified. You used a knife ferociously, repeatedly stabbing her. You did this knowing your chuildren were close by. They were traumatised by your conduct,” Judge Aaronberg said. 

He sentenced Curant to life in prison with a minimum term of 21 years. 

Ray, 34, from Swanley, has pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice. He will be sentenced next week.