A Greenwich primary school where everyone is seen as a “big family” has been rated as outstanding by Ofsted.

St Peter’s Catholic Primary School, based in Crescent Road, was last inspected on June 25 and 26, 2024.

The report was then published on July 22, 2024.

Pupils were found to be “happy and friendly” and enjoy coming to their school.

Mission statements implemented by leaders “run through school life”, encouraging children to live by ethos’ such as “work hard”.

It was reported that staff treat pupils with “kindness and consideration” and have high expectations for their learning.

In addition to this, the school has an “outdoor learning environment” which gives kids the chance for “hands-on learning”, developing their confidence and self-esteem.

Inspectors described the school environment as “calm and orderly” where pupils know their routines “exceptionally well”.

Leadership roles such as faith leaders, house captains and eco warriors are given to children so that they can “contribute positively to the life of the school”.

Ofsted reported that kids are given the chance to support local charities and foodbanks and that there are lots of extra-curricular activities and school trips.

Information taught to children by their teachers was found to be clear and teachers were found to have “very strong subject knowledge”.

All adults reportedly check what pupils have learned and “address misconceptions with precision”.

Behaviour across the school is described “excellent”.

Staff told Ofsted that leaders and governors are mindful of their workload which is “much appreciated” by them.

Parents and carers told Ofsted that they feel “highly positive” about the way that the school works with both them and their children.

A spokesperson for St Peter’s RC Primary School said: “It was a momentous feeling for the entire St Peter’s family to hear that the grading had remained Outstanding.

“St Peter’s are committed to being the best that we can be and ensuring that the school remains at a consistently high level, to receive the feedback that we are outstanding in all areas was a testament to this.

“This level of achievement is only possible with the efforts of our Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, Teachers and Support Staff – not forgetting our wonderful children!

“We aim to live our school values on a daily basis, the grading represents that we are succeeding in what we aim to achieve.”