An inflatable charity event organised by a couple whose child is a cancer survivor is coming to Welling next week.

The bouncy castle event will take place at Welling School on Elsa Road on Tuesday (August 6), and all the funds will go directly to the Tiger Ward – the children’s cancer ward – at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Woolwich.

Elliott’s Bouncy Castle Hire described the upcoming event as the “UK’s largest inflatable charity event for children’s cancer”.

This is a nonprofit event with all the profits raised, used to help make patients and their families lives that more comfortable during the darkest time of their lives.

The organisers are Sarah and Spencer Elliott, whose son Jake was diagnosed with leukaemia at three years old back in 2016.

Jake spent close to four years, mainly in hospital, receiving treatment and being isolated due to being so vulnerable with a compromised immune system.

The family spent many months confined to a room and the Tiger Ward.

Child cancer often means that parents must choose between their jobs and working or being there for their child.

Jack is now 11 years old, will start secondary school in September, and is cancer-free, but many children and their families are still battling.

The money raised from this event will be used to buy arts, and crafts, interactive toys for the playroom, sensory items, Netflix subscriptions, tablets, game consoles, room decoration and so much more.

Children undergoing treatment are prone to illness and often must be in isolation.

Before the pandemic, approximately £50,000 was raised for the Tiger Ward.

All the profits have been spent on TVs for the children's rooms, soft play areas within the ward, games consoles, arts, and crafts, sensory rooms, air conditioning units, Netflix accounts, tablets, room wraps, decorating and much more.

A lot of this equipment now needs replacing, updating and new equipment added.

None of this would be possible if it wasn't for the public and local businesses helping out by donating raffle prizes, purchasing raffle tickets and entrance tickets to these events

Local businesses have been approached for help with raffle prizes and tombola donations.

The raffle at the last event raised over £1,000.

Sarah, Spencer, and their friends all still get together to help raise awareness and funds for the children’s cancer wards at the place that helped save Jake’s life.

There will be three sessions on the day and guests are advised to book in advance. 

There will be foods, and hot and cold drinks for sale as well as lots of stalls from various local businesses.

Guests can feel free to bring along some chairs for themselves or a picnic blanket to sit on.