The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is heading an investigation after four people were injured when a fairground ride malfunctioned in Brockwell Park. 

At around 6.20pm on June 8, a ride malfunctioned at Lambeth Country Show. 

An 11-year-old girl, a man and a woman aged in their 40s, and a man aged in his 50s, were taken to hospital after the incident. 

The man and woman in their 40s were initially assessed as having life-threatening injuries though police later said the injuries were no longer life-threatening. 

Both the Met Police and HSE were investigating the incident, but as of July 16 the Met Police said the role of lead agency was passed to the HSE. 

The ride involved in this incident is now being forensically examined by specialists at HSE’s Buxton Science and Research Centre. 

HSE inspector Stacey Gamwell said: “We will continue to thoroughly investigate what happened and determine whether there were any breaches of health and safety law at the time of this incident. 

“Once we have finished our investigation, a decision will then be made on whether formal enforcement is required in line with our enforcement policy. 

“We remain in contact with those affected by the ride’s malfunction and will keep them updated throughout our investigation.” 

The problem occurred during the first day of the free event. 

A spokesman from Lambeth Council said at the time: “Very sadly a funfair ride at the country show malfunctioned yesterday evening, injuring four people.” 

The council-organised show has been running as a free community event in Brockwell Park since 1974. 

Annually it attracts more than 120,000 people across the weekend.