Lewisham’s Adult Education Service has been hailed as “Good” by Ofsted inspectors.

Each year, the service caters to over 3,000 learners offering a spectrum of part-time courses extending from English, maths to the likes of pottery and screen printing.

The Ofsted report gloated about the service, stating that “learners thrive in a safe, inclusive, and respectful learning environment”, where they “quickly develop new skills and apply them in their daily lives”.

In the words of the inspectors, the senior leaders have launched an “effective action to make sure the quality of education remains good and is aligned with the strategic objectives of the local authority; to widen participation and increase employability skills”.

Since 2017, the service has introduced specialist career advice support among other new facilities to enrich its inclusion and equity agenda.

The inspectors noted that “most learners receive effective careers advice and guidance about the next steps available to them” with specialist advisors even “arrange volunteering and work experience, including for learners who have learning difficulties'”

They underlined that “leaders and governors have very clear oversight of the quality of the provision and monitor teaching carefully and frequently to make sure it continues to improve.”

They acknowledged the staff's skill set stating that "They carefully identify the training needs of staff and offer a range of relevant continuous professional development.

"Tutors are skilled and experienced and have in-depth knowledge of the subjects they teach".

To improve, the inspectors recommended that they needed to ensure that teachers establish clear targets for learners, specifying in detail the areas where they need improvement, and review these targets frequently.

Additionally, they must provide learners with high-quality, impartial careers advice and guidance, including information about further and higher education.

Mayor of Lewisham Brenda Dacres said: “It’s fantastic news that our Adult Education Service has maintained a ‘Good’ rating from Ofsted. They continue to make improvements and deliver high quality courses that help local people develop the skills they need to improve their job prospects and wellbeing.”

Councillor Kim Powell, Cabinet Member for Businesses, Jobs, and Skills said: “I’m delighted that Ofsted has once again recognised our adult education service as a good provider. I am immensely proud of staff and learners; it is a great achievement.

“The benefits and opportunities that the service provides for our residents are far reaching. Many learners gain qualifications or progress onto higher levels courses, but equally as important, learners grow in confidence, improve their health and wellbeing, make new friends and gain skills for employment and independent living.

“I encourage anyone who wants to discover a new interest, improve their English or maths, or meet like-minded people to see what Lewisham's adult community learning service has to offer.”