Plans for a new Travelodge hotel in Greenwich have been revised, with over 360 rooms being included in the updated scheme.

The new hotel would be 19 storeys-tall and based on Boord Street in Greenwich.

The updated submission has seen the number of rooms in the project being increased from 300 to 367, which has been accommodated through car parking spaces being removed in the structure.

The proposal, put forward by Mozano UK Ltd, also includes space for shops on the ground floor.

The project was originally designed in 2017 and sent to Greenwich Council two years later, before being greenlit by the authority in 2021.

However, the applicant claimed the scheme had gone through a period of uncertainty when the previous developer, the O’Keefe Group, was unable to fund the project due to challenging market conditions.

Other changes to the scheme include an additional storey being added to the building, with the overall height of the scheme being slightly reduced to accommodate this.

Another staircase has also been added to the structure’s towers to comply with updated safety regulations and family rooms have been made narrower and longer.

Planning documents from Mountford Pigott LLP, on behalf of Mozano, said: “In the last 4 years since the development of the previously approved layout, Travelodge’s development specification has continued to evolve, resulting in some minor layout changes to the hotel rooms.

"These have been incorporated into the plans, ensuring the scheme meets Travelodge’s latest operational requirements. With the appointment of the design team to review the next stage of detailed design, further work has been carried out on the design of the superstructure.”

The plans also claimed the revisions had been informed by a meeting with Greenwich Council in March this year.

Planning documents show that the site sits beside a space where Fairview Homes has planned to build 356 new homes and 340 student rooms across three blocks.

The scheme would stretch up to 26 storeys-tall with public realm improvements including a communal garden and new public square with space for shops.

Mozano said in its plans that it intends for the new proposal to integrate with the Fairways Home project nearby.

The schemes follow a wider plan from Knight Dragon to create 17,500 new homes around Greenwich Peninsula, which has been cited as one of the largest regeneration projects in Europe.