The UK has a lot going for it when it comes to landmarks, from Stonehenge, Buckingham Palace, and the Angel of the North to Big Ben, there are endless attractions on offer.

However, according to many reviews, not all of those landmarks are loved, as a recent study has revealed the most disappointing landmarks in the UK, and one London spot topped the list.

Carried out by Preply, they examined ratings and reviews on Tripadvisor and analysed the language used by visitors rating their experiences of the UK’s biggest attractions either 1, 2, or 3 stars.

From their hard work, they were able to discover the top 20 most disappointing landmarks in the UK, with a total of eight from London alone.

You can see the full research via Preply here.

The London landmark named the most disappointing in the UK

London's very own Tate Modern took the crown as the most disappointing landmark, with 23% of visitors left underwhelmed by the attraction.

Despite having more than over 5,000 'excellent' reviews on Tripadvisor, some have described the gallery as ‘boring’ with ‘no atmosphere’.

One recent visitor to the Tate Modern said: "You won’t find a duller place to visit in London.

"Depressing, meaningless and uninspiring art. Shame as the building and setting are amazing!"

Another said: "The worst museum in all of London, only the structure is saved but I would have done the rest of the work too."

But it wasn't just the Tate Modern that was neglected and reviewed, as The Science Museum was the second most disappointing landmark in the UK with 22% of visitors disappointed.


Piccadilly Circus tourists left heartbroken as no circus in sight

Several of the disappointing reviews comment on The Science Museum not being ‘hands-on’ for children, with visitors hoping for the opportunity to take part in ‘​​experiments and more interactive elements’, feeling let down when this wasn’t the case.

One Tripadvisor user said: "I had high expectations for the museum, but it was just so so boring and chaotic. The lifts were an absolute nightmare and it was not hands-on for kids at all. Unless you are willing to pay for the extras, I really wouldn't bother."

Also on the list was the Southbank Centre with 20% of visitors disappointed as many shared the pricing and certain exhibitions let them down.