A jury has retired to consider its verdicts in the double murder trial of Lewisham handyman Carl Cooper. 

Cooper, 66, of Broadfield Road in Hither Green, is accused of killing Naomi Hunte and Fiona Holm in the space of 16 months – both of whom he was in a relationship with.     

On Wednesday (June 26) following three weeks of evidence at Woolwich Crown Court Judge Justice Johnson sent the jury out to consider their verdict on two counts of murder. 

Cooper was arrested after Naomi, 41, was found stabbed to death at her home in Woolwich in February 2022, but he was later released under police investigation.  

A little over a year later Fiona, 48, went missing from Hither Green and was never seen again. Her body has never been found. 

Prosecutor Joel Smith KC said: "Cooper is a man with a predilection to control women – particularly the two deceased women – and prone to violence when challenged. He is, in short, a callous bully and a killer." 

During the trial, the jury heard that Naomi and Fiona made allegations against Cooper. 

Naomi had made four complaints to police saying Cooper was harassing her before her death.  

The last complaint was in October 2021 when she told police Cooper had come to her flat wanting sex and when she had refused he had lost his temper. 

“She said that his behaviour towards her was getting worse – he was becoming more aggressive and more persistent. He was, she said, controlling and jealous,” Mr Smith said.   

"You may find her final complaint – that he had lost his temper when pestering her for sex – particularly chilling when we come to consider the condition in which her body was found, with the button and zip of her trousers undone." 

Naomi HunteNaomi Hunte (Image: Met Police) It is alleged that Cooper stabbed Fiona with a screwdriver and threatened her with a crowbar prior to her death. 

Cooper denies mistreating either woman during their relationships. 

Fiona was last seen on the evening of June 20, 2023, at a convenience store on St Mildred’s Road in Hither Green. 

Cooper was later found to be selling a coat that Fiona’s family said belonged to her, had redecorated his living room and her blood samples were found at his home. 

Fiona HolmFiona Holm (Image: Met Police) Mr Smith said: “What are the chances that two different women, both of whom were in abusive relationships with the defendant, both of whom were with him just before they died, both of whom bled on his clothing – but they were killed independently and by different men, not Mr Cooper.   

“What are the chances that somebody else has snuck into Ms. Hunte’s address, and somebody else has killed Ms. Holm, just after she’s left Mr Cooper’s address and he was was with them both just before they died.   

“And that he should have their blood on their clothing (and in the case of Ms. Holm in his living room) for some other, as yet unspecified reason?   

“And that he should cease contact with them both – save for the single call to each – at exactly the time that they died, but with no knowledge that this had happened?   

“Well, in due course that will be a matter for you to consider but the prosecution suggest that when you consider the case in that way there really is only one conclusion.   

“The evidence in this case is simply not explicable by coincidence stacking upon coincidence, stacking upon ever more unlikely coincidence.  

"It is explicable by two simple, demonstrable facts. Carl Cooper killed Naomi Hunte. And then he killed Fiona Holm.” 

Cooper denies murdering both women and claims that Fiona may still be alive.  

Judge Justice Johnson summarised the evidence in the case before the jury were sent out to consider their verdicts. 

He told the jury that Cooper said anyone could have picked Fiona up off the street and driven off with her.  

Cooper said: “You have people like Hamas who kidnap people, hold them hostage and feed them and don’t release them. 

“I do not know that it was Hamas but that is what I’m thinking.”  

He said he last saw her in the early hours of June 21 last year but she left his flat safe and well.  

Cooper also maintains he did not murder Naomi.  

He accepts that he went to her flat on February 9, 2022, but says when he left she was alive.  

“He says someone else must have gone into the flat after he had left,” Judge Johnson said.  

Cooper also said police were withholding CCTV which would exonerate him.