A third man has been charged with the murder of Robert Robinson in Deptford. 

Robert Robinson, 21, was fatally stabbed on Carteret Way late on June 6.  

Detective Inspector Neil Tovey: “This horrific attack was committed by a group of people who chose to arm themselves with weapons and attack a young man in a residential area.” 

Dalziell Wedderburn, 44, of Windlass Place in Deptford, was charged with Robert’s murder on June 9.   

Then earlier this week Kirk Harris, 18, of Upper Brockley Road in New Cross, was also charged with Robert’s murder. 

Now a third man – Ryan Wedderburn, 18, of Windless Place in Deptford, has also been charged with murder. 

He will appear at Bromley Magistrates’ Court on Friday (June 21). 

Wedderburn was arrested after he attended a police station in south London on Thursday (June 20). 

Wedderburn and Harris have both appeared at Bromley Magistrates’ Court already and were each remanded in custody. 

They will next appear in court at the Old Bailey on September 3.