A shoplifter walked free from court after she terrorised staff at a retail park in Orpington by stealing thousands of pounds worth of clothes and sunglasses. 

Frankie Schock, 36, was given a one-year community order after she pleaded guilty to numerous thefts, court staff said. 

In March 2022 Schock was banned from from Bromley Town Centre, any M&S in the country and Nugent Retail Park in Orpington due to her persistent offending.   

But Schock repeatedly breached the banning order by stealing from shops at Nugents Retail Park. 

Between March and May she repeatedly stole from Boots and Cotswold Outdoors, court documents show.  

In total she stole over £3,000 worth of glasses and sunglasses from Boots, as well as £100 worth of razors.  

And she stole over £2,000 worth of clothing from Cotswold Outdoors and £380 worth of goods from Next.  

She pleaded guilty to eight counts of thefts and six breaches of her Criminal Behaviour Order in relation to Nugent Retail Park.  

Schock also admitted stealing 29 bottles of wine from Sainsbury’s in Lewisham on January 17 this year. 

Frankie Schock Frankie Schock (Image: Met Police)

Schock, of Perry Vale in Forest Hill, was remanded in custody after she pleaded guilty. 

But on Tuesday June 11 she was given a one-year community order meaning left court a free woman. 

She was ordered to undergo mental health treatment and take part in rehabilitation activities. 

Her barrister had previously explained that Schock was making progress tackling her drug addiction.