An artist discovered they were having a stroke when they tried to drink from a glass of wine and found their arm "wasn't working".

Phineas Harper, 35, was at an art exhibition in Islington when they started to lose feeling in the left side of their body and the ability to speak.

An ambulance was called and Phineas was rushed to the Royal London Hospital.

Doctors found they had a "small hole which allowed a blood clot to enter the heart" - known as 'patent foramen ovale' (PFO) - which caused the stroke.

Phineas was given anticoagulant medication, underwent multiple blood tests and an MRI before being discharged 48 hours later.

Phineas feared they would not be able to use their arm again but has now recovered with full mobility.

Phineas, a writer and sculptor, from Greenwich, said: "I was worried I would never be able to sculpt again.

"My initial thought was panic that I could not continue what I do, I felt fortunate that I am right-handed".

Phineas realised something was wrong when they went to reach for a glass of wine and noticed their left arm "wasn't working" on June 6.

They said: "Luckily my right arm was fine so I could contact 111, who then sent an ambulance, suspecting it to be a stroke."

Paramedics arrived and did some tests before "blue lighting" Phineas to hospital.

Further tests revealed Phineas had a small hole in their heart which allowed micro blood clots to enter.

Phineas says their doctor told them everyone gets blood clots but they usually "go into the lungs and dissolve".

"Luckily, the clot I had dissolved quickly, and I have no known lasting health issues from that night," Phineas said.

They said it was a "sudden" incident with no build up.

"Stress can be a trigger for strokes, which I had been feeling a lot recently, but I was very relaxed that day – I had been to a sauna - I also didn't feel any pain," Phineas said.

According to the Stroke Association, from 2013 to 2014 the percentage of stroke patients under 60 group was 14.2 per cent. In the latest release for 2022 to 2023, this figure has increased to 15.9 per cent.

Phineas said their first thought was "panic" that they would not be able to continue working if they lost use of their limbs, but that subsided when their movement and voice were restored.

Phineas said: "Within minutes I was able to speak again and within a couple of hours I was able to move my hand and fingers.

"I am now back home with complete use of everything.

"Some have been through this and still cannot use their arm - the neurologist told me that it is more serious for younger people to experience a stroke as it means there is an underlying condition."

Phineas said their family was "spooked" by the incident.

“I haven’t seen my parents yet, so they want lots of updates, but my sister, Kezia, 32, came and saw me in hospital and brought me shampoo," they said.

Phineas will undergo surgery to seal the hole using a ‘clever umbrella’ which is inserted into the heart.

"It's a common surgery - they can do it with their eyes closed," Phineas said.